random thoughts

So, yesterday, I was on the computer and I got a call from my boss asking me to come in at nine. It was already 8:30 when I started my entry, and since I didn't write a lot, it only took me ten minutes to type it. My mom and I were still a little bit late to work because my mom wanted to style her hair. Every day, I'm scheduled to go in at 3:30, unless I get a call. Every time I go in early, that's money in the bank. Almost literally. Because of all these extra hours, I have been able to afford my computer and my iPod. I don't have them yet, but I will. Mark my words. (Commodore Norrington: "Consider them marked." I love POTC!)

Also yesterday, I started my period. I know you really don't want to know that, but we're pretty much all girls here. I felt really crappy yesterday, and tired. I feel a lot better today. My flow is usually moderate at first, and then it trickles down to very light.

I am dancing to Justin Timberlake, Love Stoned. I have to admit, I really like him and this album. It's good. I don't think he really has the power to kill disco, like his album cover depicts, but he does do some to help. He's really good-looking, too. And the music is good. Okay, enough dancing. Song's over.

I am debating taking out my belly button ring. It's not an actual ring, but you know. I got it pierced on my 15th birthday. It was my birthday present. I told my parents I wanted it pierced. I had this whole speech ready. My mom said yes pretty much right away. I've had it pierced for three years now. I feel like the time of my life that I got it pierced in is over. I used to dress in black fishnets, black skirt, tight shirt, and black knee-high boots. I would still wear the boots, without the fishnets, but my dad mistakenly threw them away. He keeps the old pants I wore when I was twelve, but he throws away my boots! WTF? I don't know. Anyway, when I got my navel pierced, that was what I wanted. Now, it's more like a secret I have to keep, or a suprise to whoever finds out. I like it, but I'm kinda over it. But, I don't want to take it out and have a hole where it used to be. I know that the hole will never close as long as there is something there. This whole debate goes back to what I said before about my past. My past is a part of me no matter what, but sometimes I wish it wasn't. I don't want pity for some of the things that have happend. Someone once told me that it seems like no matter what happens to me, I stay opitmistic, or at least I don't get depressed. That's really true, I think. I have been positive, now, more than ever. I am finally over it, I don't think I need to worry about my mental health issues. I feel good, except a little confused about where I want to go.

9:30 A.M. - Wednesday, Aug. 08, 2007