
I've been thinking about these things, so I'd figured I'd put it down.

What I want to do before I die AKA Life goals - some things are more possible than others

No particular order.

Watch my children graduate
Watch my children get married
Tickle my grandchildren
Travel to Mexico
Travel to Canada
Travel to Paris
Travel to Rome
Travel to Vatican City
Travel to Egypt
Travel to New York City
Go to San Diego Comic Con
Make a fancy meal
Teach my children about the world
Be married for 50 years
Learn a foreign language
Learn to drive
Ride on a boat
Shoot a crossbow
Shoot a compound bow
Shoot a rifle
Shoot a handgun
Actually decorate a room
Plant a tree
Harvest from my own garden
Own a house
Finish a crochet project
Go to two oceans with my children
Ride in a hot air balloon
Shake hands with someone famous that I like
Camp in a dozen different places
Go on a cruise
Visit Alaska
Ride a horse
Ride in a horse-drawn carriage
Ride on a zip line
Save someone's life
Have a paranormal experience
Finish the 365 photography project
Ride bikes with my husband
Ride on a motorcycle
Ride bikes with my children
Have a tea party with my girls
Own a million dollars
Be financially stable
Help my children through college
Go geocaching
Find something valuable
Get a professional massage
Take my children to the mall of america
Take my children to California
Take my children to South Dakota and the black hills
Take my children to 6 different zoos

That's it for now.

1:13 P.M. - 10.14.11