Adventures downtown

I'm so tired. The kids and I went on a very long walk this afternoon, starting at Noon and finally getting home at 5:30.

I needed to return a DVD to the library. I asked Chuck if he was going to be home early either today or tomorrow, but he was unsure. So, I decided to walk there with the kids.

It's only about a mile from out house to the downtown library in this city, and it's all downhill. The temperature was 70 today, and it was great walking weather.

Since it's Halloween, we all wore different parts of costumes, to dress up our normal outfits. Kallista wore black cat ears, Charlette wore poms and fairy wings, Owen wore a ninja vest and some sunglasses, Quincy wore a knit hat with bear ears sewn on, and I wore a witch hat.

We walked to the library where we looked at some books. They have a new iPad tethered to one of the kid's table in that section, so Owen, Kallista and Charlette each took a turn playing games on it. I read a book to my girls, and Quincy ran around crazy like he was trying to knock over every book in the place. Then, Owen and Kallista each picked a movie, and we checked them out.

Following the library, we walked a block to Subway. I got a ham and cheese footlong cut into four sections for the kids, and I got a ham and cheese six-inch. We also picked out two bags of chips to share.

After we ate, we walked a few blocks to Walgreens. Charlette had a bunch of change she wanted to spend. It took her a long to decide, but she eventually settled on a cute Littlest Pet Shop set with a mommy and baby piggy, a small shower/tub and a little rubber ducky. Owen also spent a little and bought a punch balloon.

Leaving Walgreens, we went next door to Burger King. I spent the last of my money and bought a small fry that we all shared while I used the wifi. I messaged Chuck and told him we were on our way home.

Walking back home, we stopped a few times to look at the sculptures that are all downtown. We even took some pictures.

When we got home, Chuck was already home.

For dinner, Chuck helped Charlette and Kallista cook pancakes. They did a good job.

Tomorrow we'll watch one of the movies we checked out and flesh out our itinerary for this weekend.

6:53 P.M. - 10.05.15