Cleaning, games and diabetes

Chuck's coming home today. I miss him. I've been having the kids sleep in my bed, so I wouldn't be lonely. I can't sleep unless someone cuddles me now, lol. While I am looking forward to his arrival, it has been so nice to clean the house without him getting in the way or making more messes. He's not the neatest roommate. So far, I've cleaned a bit in the girl's bathroom, done a ton of dishes and clean the counter partly, swept and cleaned and wiped down the table, vacuumed a bunch of nooks and crannies that needed attention and generally put things where they go for a change. Now I need to clean the boy's bathroom, vacuum in the living room and entryway, wipe down the rest of the counters and wash the last of the dishes. And if I have time, I'll help the kids work in their rooms.

Last night a friend of mine came over, Kevin. He's the GM for my D&D game every Wednesday. He also gets demo copies of games from Looney Labs. They make Fluxx and Just Desserts. Yesterday he brought over their newest game: Retro Loonacy. It's a simultaneous card matching game. It's pretty fun, but not one of my favorites. Whenever he gets a demo game, he usually just gives it to us. That's how we've gotten Just Desserts, Fluxx Dice, Batman and Adventuretime Fluxx, all about two months before public release. I like getting these demos, they usually come with cool posters, and I like feeling like I'm in an exclusive club, getting games before they're released. I got Just Desserts on my birthday. Now, it's one of my top-5 favorite games. In fact, it's the game I've based a diary layout on. I hope one day to live in a house that has a formal dining room, which we will of course turn into a game room, and I'll be able to hang up all the posters of games we have.

Diet's not going too well. Reading further on in Dr. Berstein's book, he recommends 4-5 small meals each day. More and more it is sounding like I can't do this. How am I supposed to eat 5 special no-carb meals each day? I can usually get in about 2 these days. He's got a whole list of foods that are off limits. I really just don't see it being feasible for me. I'm going to try to finish the book, though, and see if there are some recomendations I can use in there. The diabetes wellness fair is next weekend. Hopefully I'll talk to someone about his method and see what they thing. I really wish I could email my old doctor, too. She'd have some answers for me, for sure, and I have trusted her judgement in the past. I'm going to download my pump information and see what my bloodsugars have been recently.

11:05 A.M. - 10.04.15