Kicks and PP

So I have been feeling a lot of baby kicks recently. They are getting stronger and more frequent as the days pass. This morning he kinda woke me up with about a dozen or so, and I could feel the blanket moving. I'm not totally sure it's one baby, but I'm pretty sure. IDK. I got a lil shaken the other night when I felt a kick, and then thirty seconds later felt another one in a different spot. I think he just has a lot of room to move around since the girls stretched me out so much. I have a OB/GYN appointment on Monday, so I'll tell him what I'm feeling. It's not even time for me to feel barely any movement, let alone strong kicks. Chuck's felt them too. They said at the first ultrasound that the baby measure correctly for my dates. Well, there's a couple of things that could be happening. 1) The baby is smaller, and thus conception date is farther away than we think, because there's more than one in there. 2) I really did conceive on a day I was too busy to be even near my husband let alone *ahem*. According to the dates, I conceived April 24, which was MAGECon. I was really busy, so was he. We were busy the days leading up to it too. The only problem with multiples is that they didn't see any extras on the ultrasound, and my symptoms have been lighter this time, and I'm not as big. We'll see what the doctor says. I still want another ultrasound because we don't know the sex of the baby. I just saw him on the monitor and that's what I thought, it's a boy. I just have a feeling.

I was made a senior officer in puzzle pirates, which I have been playing a lot these days. Being subscribed makes a big difference in the enjoyment of the game. I am enjoying it so much more lol.

Gotta feed the babies, I'll write more later.

12:25 P.M. - 08.27.09