Bunnys and tv

So Bunnys has collapsed. It was much worse than I thought. Yesterday Dalton organized the event, and it went alright. I can't really remember, I think I left early to see a vendor. Just yesterday, he was lecturing me about not letting the events falter. Well then yesterday, neither Dixie or Dalton were online since like noon. So I decided to do an event. I talked to the dancers, I tried to talk to our DJ, but when Bunny quit, so did Lou, so that's two DJs down. So, we had 2 dancers and me. I tried to get a DJ, then I realized that they couldn't actually DJ if they came because I didn't have permission to give them permission. So it ended up being me, Crystal and Tangerine for the whole event. We got exactly zero customers. Granted, I did throw this together in like half an hour. But still, Dixie and or Dalton should have been online Bunny always did 5 events a week. So far this week there's been 1. Usually they're on Tuesday-Saturday night. I guess if I want something done right I've got to do it myself. I want to take over events and finding hostess and DJs. I don't want to host, because Bunny said there's no money in it. She told Dalton that's why she quit, because she wasn't making enough. Lou also. Well, I didn't have the heart to tell her, but the reason she didn't make any money was because she wasn't bringing people to the club. If there's no customers, there's no one to tip. Duh. I bet she only really worried about the club when she was making her notecards and when she was hosting. Usually its the dancers who don't show up. In any case, Bunnys is tanking and if we don't do something in the next two days to fix it, it'll be too late.

Today is Thursday, and that's the big tv-watching day. On Wednesday night, Ghost Hunters is on, but we don't get that channel. So, I watch it Thursday on Hulu. Then, tonight is parks and recreation, which we may or may not watch, then the office, 30 rock, then southland. We missed these shows last week because Chuck was a a stupid training class he didn't need to be. So today we'll watch Southland and the Office. 30 rock is just something to watch between the shows. Tonight Chuck and I also have a date.

9:51 A.M. - 04.30.09