
So, long time no entry, huh? Well, I'm sorry about that. This has been a crazy three weeks.

I moved in, and things seemed to be going well with Teri. We hung out a little bit in the beginning, but then we sorta stopped. I met a nice guy named Kallyn. I ended up liking him, but he told me he had a girlfriend. I was okay. We were really good friends for a few days and then the things with Teri and me weren't going well and I took that out on Kallyn. Then, things got better between Teri and me. Kallyn and I were good friends. Two Tuesdays ago, Teri told me that she wanted me to move out and she didn't think it was going to work. She had this whole plan that I was going to move in to this other girl's room in a different building on the fourth floor(!) and that girl would move in here. I talked to Kallyn, and he said that I shouldn't just lie down and take that. So, later that day, I told Teri that I didn't think that we should live together, and that I think she should move out since she was the one who had the problem. I didn't think we had had a problem until she said that she didn't want me to live with her. I have told several people that pretty much come hell and high water, I'm not moving. We've gone back and forth between fighting and being friends. Right now, we are living together. I am going to be moving out soon, hopefully. I decided that I didn't care, that she could have the room. What was the sudden change in my attitude? I met someone.

I met the most wonderful guy ever! We have so much in common! We like the same movies, books and music. We have seen the same movies and read the same books. He plays D&D, which I have recently gotten into. He is so sweet and considerate, also. He can cook, do laundry, and sew. He's really smart, and he's good-looking. His name is Chuck, and he's 32. He has three kids. He was engaged in January and ended it. He has been married and divorced. It sounds like he's been with a myriad of women. He's 6'1". He's bald with a goatee. He is really kinda hairy on his chest, arms, and back, but I don't mind. At first, he said he was hiding it from me. Well, I have hairy man legs, so I know how that feels. We went out on our first date two Saturdays ago and started dating the next day. We are now in love, and we have big plans for the future. I can't write it here, but it is really good, and if you email or note me, I will let in know. I'm really excited! It has to be a secret though. See, the reason I don't care about Teri or Kallyn or any other thing that sucks in my life, is because I'm in love, and nothing else matters. I don't care if I am moving, I would love to have my own room and then I could have Chuck over here more often. I am going to be moving in with Chuck after he saves up enough for a car and his own place, because he lives with another guy in his house. I have slept at his house five nights, but we have not had sex. I am waiting on that. He mentions something about it every day, but he says he's not trying to pressure me. It sorta does feel that way, though, and I told him that. We have done some mild fooling around, but nothing past second base, if you know what I mean. Nothing below the waist. I know he wants to, but I don't think I'm ready. Both guys that I had sex with in the past were mistakes, and I don't want to make the same mistake again. I have not met his children yet. His oldest daughter is 14. She's taller than me, too. If we get married, there will be only four years between his oldest child and his wife. He says his grandpa remarried and his new wife was YOUNGER than his daughter, Chuck's mother. I am worried when we go out, that people will ask if I want a child's menu and similar things. I think people automatically assume that we are dating and don't question my age. I met Chuck at a gaming convention, D&D. I was the ONLY girl gamer over 18. There was only one other girl gamer, period. He works with a floor-instalation company, and he puts down carpet, tile, and stuff like that. I have a big secret, and I would love to share it with somebody, some email or note me and I will tell you!

I know this is kinda a weird entry, but from now on, I am going to have a regular time every day to update.

11:21 A.M. - Thursday, Sept. 20, 2007