A revelation, and shopping, of course!

I'm up because I coudln't sleep any longer. I would if I could.
Oh, and by the way, the tagboard is not a trap. You CAN tag me! I check it every day with no new additions. If you are having trouble with it and that's why you haven't written anything yet, email or note me about it.

We went shopping yesterday. We went to Spencer. The first place we went was Staples. I wanted to buy my phone there, and I knew they had good school supplies. When we got there, I started looking around a little bit, and then I went for the phones. They didn't have the same one that I liked last time we where there. All of them were crap or expensive. I was mad. So I picked another one that I liked. I also got a cool desktop organizer that has a place for hanging file folders, and it spins. I got two plastic draw sets. I got some pink sticy notes with the letter K on them. I got a cool thing to hang on a doorknob that can hold a little bit of stuff that you don't want to forget and stuff, and I got a sign that says "Open, Come in" on one side and the other says "will return" with a clock that you can move the hands on. I like it I also got a cool stapler and staples of course. And, I found the software that I wanted to get with my computer, but on the Apple website, it is over $300. At Staples, it was less than $180. I was happy about that.
Also, at Staples, my mom and I ran into a lady that my dad works with, and her daughter, who was in college. We started to talk to her about my stuff that I was getting and college, and stuff. She mentioned some things I should get, and I already had all that stuff. She said that she would ask my dad for updates on how I'm doing in college, and she said my dad was proud of me. That was interesting. I didn't know that. Well, I didn't think he hated me, or that he thought I was a failure, but I didn't know that he was proud of me. He doesn't talk to me much. He's never really been like that. So, I guess he talks to her about me. I had no idea. I am glad that he's proud of me, but he could have told me, you know. She also said that it was a big accomplishment to get into college, but, well, not really. This college that I'm going to, they contacted me before I even knew they exsisted. They were persistant as well. They accepted me when I didn't think I would be. I had just gotten rejected by ISU in the week that Trent called me from Briar Cliff. He called me to talk and see if I had any questions. I asked him if I was really getting in, and he said yes. I only filled out the application because I thought it wouldn't hurt. I'm glad that happend, though, or else I would probably be going to Iowa Western.
Anyway, after Staples, we went to Fairway for groceries and then home. My dad wasn't feeling well, and it was raining pretty hard. We just wanted to go home.

7:41 A.M. - Sunday, Aug. 05, 2007