shopping and money

I'm really trying to get at least 100 entries and 250 visits before college. I will probably get both. I just thought that it would be an interesting thing to see if I can get 250 visits. To help that along, I will also be updating every day, hopefully.

I worked 34.5 hours last week. Wow! That is a lot, and that is only one week! I babysat yesterday after work as well. I was only there for four hours, so I only made $16. That kinda sux. But, I was happy to go to be at a decent time instead of 1:00 in the morning. Tomarrow is pay day! I am expecting at least 100 dollars, if not more. I really didn't start working long hours untill recently, though. Every little bit helps!

Today is tax-free weekend. My dad is working right now; he gets off at 12:30. Hopefully, we will be leaving by 1:00. I wanted to leave even earlier than that, but since my dad is working, we really can't. I think it's going to be very crowded in the stores and stuff, since it is tax-free. I am hoping to get the rest of my school supplies, my phone, and some clothes. J. C. Penny's is having a sale today, and I want to go. I want to go to Claire's, and Payless, as well. I haven't bought a new pair of shoes in two months! I have 17 pairs of shoes right now, I love them! I have mostly flats, too. I can't wear heels. I realy can't. I may try to get a pair that I can just wear around the house to get used to. I also want to go to Wal-Mart. They always have stuff there.

I used to be afraid that Chola would read my diary, this diary. I actually had a decoy diary. Yep. It's diary-user with one dash. I was talking to someone, and he said, what does it matter? And I thought, you're right, I don't care. What can she do? Tell everyone to read it I suppose, but then they will just find out how much I really like them, or don't, in some cases. So, go ahead, read my diary. I hope everyone reads my diary. This diary is the one thing that I can really confide in, and tell my true feelings to. I was worried that she would read some of the things I wrote about her, but I don't care anymore. I blocked her on my myspace, so she can't email me there. I've been checking her diary and she hasn't updated in a while, must be too busy getting drunk and screwed by her boyfriend and other random guys. She was always a whore.

8:38 A.M. - Saturday, Aug. 04, 2007