Mr. Winter

Today was a pretty okay day, and when I say okay, I mean that I didn't have a moment when I just wanted to start bawling in front of whoever I was with. I did have problem in History, though.
We have this teacher, Mr. Winter. He's new. He's young. If I were older, then I'd ask him out. He's cute in his 'school clothes' and HOT in normal clothes. OMG! Right, I'm sitting in History, front row (not my choice, I was late on the day we picked our seats and I got the last desk, but now that seat works in my advantage) and we're talking about whatever we're learning and Mr. Winter puts his hands in his pants (pockets, you pervs!). I look at his pockets and realize that I can see the outline of his hands in his pants. Then I look at little to the left (right, whatever) and I'm looking for a bluge in his pants (yes, I am a perv) and I see a little one! So now, I spend the last 10 minutes thinking about his dick in both limp and hard form! OMG! So when the bell rang, I just got out of there. I felt so weird.

5:11 P.M. - November 22, 2005