
Yesterday I got a subway sub for dinner - my favorite chicken breast with veggies. It tasted alright, but then I started getting an upset tummy and sometimes when that happens (and it happened this time), I start burping and it smells like rotten eggs. It's because the protein in my tummy isn't digesting well and it is churning and rumbly and bad. Then, this morning, I was feeling really bad, upset tummy and such, and I could feel the gas moving in my belly. I went to the bathroom and I felt like I was going to throw up. I was sweating bad and I had diarrhea. Then the kids got up and I had to try to make breakfast, but I was so drained and dehydrated, all I could do was give them some crackers and some grapes. I laid down for most of the morning. The kids played near-by and I tried to rest.

As I was sleeping, I was awoken by a knocking on my bedroom window. It was my dad! He was in town getting his car repaired and he stopped by to visit and see the kids and bring them toys. Whenever he goes to McDonald's, he gets the child's toys they have and saves them until he can give them to the kids. I haven't seen my dad in quite a while, because his job's hours changed to Friday-Monday. So whenever my mom and sister would come to see us on the weekend, my dad had stayed behind because he had to work. So it was a very nice surprise that I got to see him this time. The girls were shy at first, but Owen walked right up to him and held his arms out to be picked up. Owen is not a social boy, not really. When he's in the stroller and we introduce him to people, he either keeps his head down or cries. So to walk right up to someone he didn't really know and let them hold him, that was a big thing for Owen. He cried when my dad left, even. He was almost heartbroken. While he was here, we talked about some shows we have been watching, books we've been reading, different things going on in our lives, and it was a lot of fun. He got to see the kids and give them their toys, and I got to see my dad for the first time in what felt like forever.

He and my mom are going on a little trip in a couple of weeks to Omaha for their anniversary, and my sister is staying with us for those few days because we don't trust her alone. She has a boyfriend now, and he lives here while she lives 100 miles away, and they have only really hung out about half a dozen times. Then my sister basically asked my mom for permission to have sex and asked for birth control. So, me, my mom, dad, and my husband all agree that if she's alone in the house for even a day, they'll find a way to see each other and do bad things. My sister has a well-paying job in the town she lives in, and her boyfriend is 19 and has his own car and driver's license. So it would be nothing for him to pick her up after my parents leave, drive back here with her and just spend those days together. He lives in the dorms of a near-by college, and she would probably just stay there with him. But since she's staying with us, we're going to tell her that he can either visit with her in our house, or somewhere else with one of us present. If she doesn't like those terms, then she doesn't have to see him at all.

1:08 A.M. - 09.28.11