
I know I haven't written in a couple of days, so I will fill you all in on what you missed.

My Birthday!

My dad sent me a great e-card and my mom left a really cute message singing happy birthday to me. I'm always excited for my birthday, but the year isn't a big deal. Last year it was 18. Now I'm 19 there's nothing special then. 21 is the next big one, but I don't drink so not a big deal. It mostly means I could go to the bars if I wanted. It was nice and sunny here too on the first day of spring. I think of it as nature saying happy birthday to me. I went out to eat with Chuck after I got back from the radio, and he was pretty sick. We went to Olive Garden and had the same waitress as before. She was a lot better this time. Chuck also bought me two dozen flowers that kinda look tropical, I'm not sure what they are. We called it a night kinda early just because he wasn't feeling well and he had to work the next day.


I slept in while Chuck worked in the morning, and then I packed and got ready to go to my parents' house. Chuck was a little late, and we ended up starting around 1:15. I held us up too, so it's both of us. We hit the road and started driving, and we had Gunner with us. Chuck decided to take her with us this time, and I thought it was a good idea. Chuck didn't trust his roommate, Dave, not to kill her before we got back. Chuck told me this story about how last week he came home to find Gunner scared and huddling in the corner of her cage with the bars bent on the front and Chuck's hammer missing. Chuck thinks that Dave got mad because Gunner was probably screaming for Chuck, so he went into Chuck's room, grabbed the closest thing to the cage (the hammer) and started beating on the cage. Dave is a douche bag, no way around it. Mentally, Gunner is a four-year-old child. You don't hit the wall in front of a child to get it to shut up! So, we took her with us.


Gunner was getting to know the kitties a little better, and my family. She liked my mom, but I think Becca acted scared so Gunner didn't trust her. The kitties were intrigued at least. Chuck lay in bed 98% of the day. He was beat. He didn't look good and I knew he didn't feel good. My sister and my dad went shopping while Chuck, me, and my mom stayed home because we were all kinda sick. My mom hurt her back really bad and couldn't move much without pain. We mostly just chilled all day.


We knew we had to leave, so we starting talking about what time. Then we realized we didn't have the key to the rental car. We looked for about two hours before Chuck found it in the garbage with some trash the key had been sitting next to. We finally left way later than we wanted to. We stopped in Storm Lake to eat, and for a little bit in Le Mars to get me some ice cream. We finally got to Chuck's house, unloaded Gunner and Chuck's stuff, and Chuck was looking for a cd for me. We went downstairs to look, and everyone was there. Before, Chuck and I would play DND with a bunch of other people, including Dave, every Sunday afternoon/night. They were playing, and when I got down there, one guy, J.D., said, "You putting on a little weight, Katy?" and I said, "Yea, must be freshman 15" God! We didn't tell these people because Chuck was afraid of how Dave would react and that he would call me names and stuff like he has in the past.

Speaking of weight . . .

Today was the ultrasound! We got there, and then we had some walking to do, and papers to fill out, blah blah blah. We finally got to the room with the ultrasound, and as soon as she touched it to my belly, Chuck and I both saw two bodies. That's right ladies and gentlemen, I'm having twins! They are within one ounce of each other and their heartbeat rates are the same! I was doing some reading on fraternal twins, and it means that I dropped two eggs and they were both fertilized by separate sperm. The babies could be both girls or boys, or one of each. My mom was saying that I was big for my timeline, and when the doctor measured me, he said I measured big. Baby "A" on my right side is head up to my head while Baby "B" (I would rather have "A" and "1", that way they are both first, but the ultrasound tech named them, not me.) is on my left side, about 1 ounce larger, with his head down. It looks like they have each other's heads touching the other's butts and vice a versa. They look so cute in there. I have pictures, but I don't want to risk damaging them to scan them. Maybe I'll post a picture of my large stomach. I have officially grown out of all but ONE pair of my jeans. Almost none fit me anymore. That made me depressed last night. Where am I going to get the money to buy a complete new wardrobe? I don't have that cash. So right now, I am wearing the same pair of jeans every day. It's all I got.

And in other news . . .

When I got back from the ultrasound, there was a message on my machine telling me to call the doctor's office. I did, and I talked to one of the nurses. I knew this was going to be about my test results. She said I have a yeast infection (I have had some itchies), and that I failed my glucose test, so I would have to go to the hospital to do a longer test. And, she said that the scrapings from my pap smear came back abnormal, and she said that basically my cells are precancerous right now. The way she made it sound, they are right exactly before cancer, so if they get any worse, I will have cancer. I was freaking out. This is not something I want to hear. She said I had to go to a different clinic and they would do a special pap smear and take a piece of my cervix to test. I had one pap smear before that resulted in abnormal, but they came back and said it was nothing. I really hope I don't have cancer.

I'm going to lie down now.

2:11 P.M. - Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2008