doctor and baby

Today was the doctor's appointment. I was late, so when we got there, we had to wait about an hour before we saw the nurse. She took my blood pressure, and got everything ready for my pap smear. Ladies, cringe now. I've had them before, but they are never pleasant. I compare it to getting blood drawn or getting a shot, you really do hype it up a little in you mind, but then you are there in the moment and yes, it is bad. The doctor came in and he had with him a medical student. She asked a bunch of questions and he filled in where he thought necessary. Later, Chuck told me and I agree that both of them were younger than him. They had my lie down to measure my belly. At first, the med student was doing it, and I said my mom thought I was big. She said maybe a little, so he measured, and that's when I mentioned multiples. He said I was a little big, and so they got out this little portable ultrasound which listens to the baby's heart. She had a hard time finding the heart, so he found it, and it sounded good. It was really cool to hear that. He said there probably is one, but they scheduled me for a regular ultrasound next week to be sure. I don't know when they can tell us the sex of the baby, but we'll see. Next, they did the pap smear. The male doctor coached the med student through it a little, and it turned out alright I guess. I really don't like those things they use to pry you open. Oww! Seriously, I'm fragile, and they are trying to spread parts that shouldn't be separated, or so it seems. When that was done, they told me that I had some glucose in my urine because I gave a urine sample last visit, and that could me diabetes. I told them that my mother has type 2 diabetes right now and she had gestational diabetes with both me and my sister. I could have that. They wanted to do a test to see. They basically said besides that everything seemed good. I went back into the waiting room to wait more for the test. They decided that they could try the finger poke first. I guess that test indicated that they needed to do the long test. I had to drink this cup full of like orange syrup-like stuff and wait an hour. I was very tired because I needed to do laundry yesterday for today so I had to put my clothes in, but it was kinda late, and at 11:20 when I went to take them out of the dryer, they were still wet. I had to stay up another two hours to get it all done. Then, I got up at 8 for my appointment. I took a little nap while I was waiting for the test, and then they took two vials of my blood. The first vial was for the gluclose test, and the other was for what they call a quad-screen, which basically screens for four major birth defects that could be present in the baby. The nurse said that the test results come back in two weeks, and if they don't call me, nothing's wrong. Ok.

To sum it all up, I may have diabetes, my baby currently doesn't have any birth defects, and so far, there's only one in there. My next appointment for the doctor is in April.

Also, the number "Days until baby" is counting down how many days until September 8th, the projected due date. That's when I'm due!

8:05 P.M. - Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2008