money shots computers

So, Kaylene finally emailed me, saying that she would send the money today. I should get it next week or I will email her yet again.

I am wrapping up my student loan processes, so that I will actually get the money when I go to college. I also got a physical to finish my form from the college, but there was one hitch. My mom thinks I need a meningitus shot, so my doctor told my mom to call the insurance to check if they cover it. My mom called, and they don't, so we called the Public Health Nurse, so we can get the shot for free. I have to go to Pocahantus on Wednesday. I hate shots. Never like them.

I have a schedule set up for how much money I should have saved by cetain benchmarks. If I save everything I have, I should have enough money for my computer right before I move. I saw this commercial for a computer store in Sioux City that sells Apple products! I was so excited. This store is awesome! There are Apple stores that sell Apple and related products, but there isn't one in Sioux City, and I was bummed about that. Now I know there is this store, I'm very happy. I may buy my computer there.

2:33 P.M. - Friday, Jul. 06, 2007