bad day

I can't belive I said that I missed school. Just this morning, I got up late, took a shower just to get my hair washed and I hate short showers. Got to school with wet hair, and two kids where leaning out of the building calling my name. I got to school and saw everyone that I didn't have to see while I was on vacation. I felt like I didn't even miss a day of school. I got to my locker, and I couldn't remember my combination to my lock! And I didn't tell ANYONE the combination in case of them going into my locker. I tried to open it for 10 minutes and I was getting really hot because I was still wearing my coat and scarf. Then, I had to get to class or be late, so I just threw my coat on top of the locker. Then it fell on the floor, and that just TOTALLY made my day. Right now, I'm in first period web design. This class is practically full of bitches, and someday, I'm going to have to work on a team with three other girls. Ugh. I am really hating my life right now.

8:23 A.M. - Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006