thearpy and dildos

Well, some new developments in my life and the world around me:
My mom wasn't getting me a doctor's appointment, I don't know why, but she just wasn't. Anyway, the other night, she was blaiming me for the stupidest shit and I was like, "Why are you always blaiming me for everything?!?" So it was silent for a while, then I said, "You know, this, right here, this fucked-up little thing is making me need therapy. That's right, the reason I want a doctor's appoinment so bad is because I need a doctor's referal to see a therapist. I talked to Mr. Kolander. I'll get it free." Everything was silent and my mother rolled her eyes. Yes, she fucking rolled her eyes! I said, "Don't roll your eyes." My dad said, "Sure, you'll get it free but where's the nearest one? Uh, Souix City?" I said, "No, try Pochauntus." Everyone was silent for a while, then I sat back down and we acted like it didn't happen. UGH! So now, I keep reminding my mom in a somewhat subtle way. I keep asking her if she has yet made me DR appointment, and no, she hasn't. My dad did it today.

Other news:
There was a dildo at school today. Alan Plagman (A.P.) brought a dildo to school. He put it in Jerrod Resse's locker (who's a total jerk) and then Jerrod threw it and it hit Kyle Finnley in the face! Kyle got bitch-slapped by a dildo! Then I guess Mr. Oehlertz picked it up with a piece of paper and tossed it in his trash and then A.P.'s parents got called in and they talked to Kolander and A.P. and I don't know how much trouble he's getting into but he's in a lot of trouble at home! Think about it! It could have been his mother's, his father's, his sister's (who is in my Consumer Math class and I talk to her) or HIS dildo! I think that is so funny! I named it 'El Dia Del El Dildo' which means 'The day of the dildo' in spanish. I want to put it in the yearbook and make shirts that say 'I survived the dildo' with 12-16-05 on them. They did that with the fire! Except they said 'the chargers are on fire' with the date. Today was very interesting.

5:11 P.M. - Friday, Dec. 16, 2005