icons and rants

No health updates at this point. I feel good or as as good as possible, and my blood sugar is going down. I didn't have a number over 300 at all last week, when the two weeks before that half were over 300, once as high as 394. It's supposed to be less than 120 after meals. It's getting closer.

I have a new obsession. I have been downloading and looking through icons. You know, those little things that represent you files and programs and such and sit on your desktop? Yea, those. People apparently make bundles of these in a theme, and post them to these websites for people to download. On a Mac, you can't customize your task bar and inactive window boarder and active window bar and scroll bar color and all that like you can on Windows. I miss that. I really liked having everything pink or blue and changing whenever I felt like it. So, these icons are my new personalization for my computer. And, they have lots of cool backgrounds, so of course I've been downloading backgrounds to match icon sets. I'm a dork yes. I have a lot of free time, I should be organizing or sweeping or doing dishes but mostly I spend it on the computer so these icons are what I do these days.

I would like to rant now. If you feel like your day can take no more ranting, feel free to skip ahead. What is with everyone switching to wordpress? I am starting to hate it because it means people leaving diaryland! I love diaryland! I just bough three months of gold! What is so great about wordpress?!?!?!? It is really pissing me off because how am I supposed to know when you've updated on wordpress when it doesn't show up in my buddy list? Pretty much anyone who moves away from diaryland I have stopped reading, like jane doe and Becky, the barista, and future nurse I read a little but she was off diaryland when I started so I didn't get into that one much. I've heard diaryland called a "tank." What is so large and unmaneuverable about diaryland? I love diaryland, and although I've come and gone, I've never gone to another diary or writing website. I'm just sick of seeing people moving to wordpress.

I've changed the baby count-down again. I had it set wrong earlier, so NOW it is set for 38 weeks, which is when the doctor wants to do the amniocentesis which is a big needle going into my belly, probably twice, to check on the lung development of the girls. Not looking forward to that, but after testing my blood sugar four times a day for four weeks and taking insulin eight times a day for three weeks, it puts needles in perspective.

12:10 P.M. - Monday, Jun. 23, 2008