weekend, ramdomness

On Friday, Chuck and I took Beth's kids (his sister) to Hawarden where their parents live. She gave us $100 for baby stuff, mostly a play pen. So far, we have a play pen, a swing, and someone bought a high chair, and anthronut bought some bottles and stuff. Not to mention all the blankets and bibs and little outfits my mom bought. We're on our way to having a nice collection of baby stuff.

On Saturday, Chuck calls and tells me that he got a side job for about $200, which is nice. Chuck lays flooring, like carpet, tile, laminate, and such. He's really good at tile and that is what he prefers. Usually, his boss Tony gets a job for the crew and assigns the guys around. If it's tile, it's usually Chuck. Because Tony gets the jobs, and he measures the flooring space and calculates for materials and everything, he gets a cut of the profit, a large cut if you ask me, because Tony makes more than $200,000 a year, while Chuck makes around $23,000. Anyway, a side job means that all of the money goes to Chuck. Also, he knows some plumbers because if he's working on a bathroom, he usually sees these guys. They asked him if they could refer jobs to him because they show pictures of the work they do and it usually includes tile from Chuck. So any jobs from those plumbers will be for Chuck and Chuck alone. More money. Also, Chuck was looking into moving into this room in a house with four other guys. The guy that owns the house also owns like 10 cottages around the house that he also rents. So, Jim, the landlord, called Chuck to say that one of the cottages opened up, and Chuck put a deposit on it. Chuck will be painting and repairing flooring so that will be money off of the rent at first. This place is small. It's better than a room in a house, but it's still really small, and it smells funny. It has two rooms. A kitchen/living room and a bedroom/tiny bathroom. The bathroom is only separated from the bedroom by a couple of shutters. I don't like that. Plus, the floor is uneven, the stove is rusting out, and it just all seems so dirty. Anyway, Chuck likes it, and I'm not sure.

Today I went to class and threw up between classes. I'm really really sick and tired of being sick and tired. The nutritionist at WIC told me that if I eat 5-6 small meals with snacks to keep at least a little bit of food in my stomach at all times, I would feel better. HA! If she hadn't had pictures of a child, I would have thought she'd never been pregnant. It really seems like what/when I eat has nothing to do with it. If I'm going to feel bad, then I will and nothing I do helps. Ugh.

I have added a new section to my "reads" section, check out my favorite online webcomics. They are very funny, and the art is really great too.

I came across this online today, and I thought it was so cute, I had to show you guys.

zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Hello Graphic Comments

3:25 P.M. - Monday, Mar. 10, 2008