
I saw the Harry Potter movie two days ago. It was good, and a little more scary. They did change the rating from PG to PG-13. This is the book that Voldemort comes back and becomes whole. There were several changes that the movie people made. They never showed the Dursleys. They didn't show the mascots at the Quidditch World Cup and they didn't show much of the actual game, either. At the World Cup, Harry bought Ron, Hermionie, and himself these special like opra glasses that you can rewind, slow down, and zoom on the match. Then there's the students that come from the other schools. And Victor Krum follows Hermionie around in the library and she's annoyed by him. I'm very picky. There are a lot of discrepencies. I like the books better. We saw the 9:50 show so when we got home it was late and we went to bed after midnight.
I got up around 12:30 or so yesterday, and I did not have a good day. My mom was yelling at me about delivering that boxed candy. Then, I called this ladie because the check she had written to me, she actually put 'Girl Scouts' on the 'To' part and I had to get a new check. I had lost the first check, but I thought I had lost it in my house, so I had been looking for it. I called her, and she said that Mr. Waters, a middle school teacher at my school, found the check. She gave me a lecture when I showed up at her house and I almost cried. Then my mom yells at me when we're pulling into the driveway. Seems like all she does is yells. So then we're calling people and delivering the candy, both mine and Becca's. Then we're at home and I'm waiting for mom to come out and get in the van and drive me to a house. The van is running to get it warmed up and I'm in the passenger seat. Then Becca climbs in and sits in the driver's seat. I say, 'Where are we goig?' like a joke. Then she pretends to put it in gear, but you have to hold the break so it didn't go. Then I tell her, hold the break. Then I put it in gear to back up. Then it starts going and she freaks out and tries to jump out of the van. Well, she gets out, and the open door hits one of the things that's holding up a little awning/carport/porch-cover-thing. Now the van door on the driver's side doesn't open much and that side has a dent. I feel bad, but it's also Becca's fault. I can't wait to get back to school so that I don't have to spend as much time here.

9:15 P.M. - November 20, 2005